High Density Filter Reader - HDFR
A Java-based image recognition tool to read and analyze images of high-density filters (macroarrays).
- Accepts all common image formats such as gif, jpeg, and tif
- Accepts gel files
- Provides image manipulation tools such as cropping, rotating, and adjusting the brightness and contrast
- Simple user interaction and validation of results via magnified portions of the image
- Automatic background subtraction
Interface and Setup
- Simple, user-friendly
- Easily adjustable hit threshold levels
- Quick and easy set-up and storage of analysis templates
- FastFlow Buttons for streamlining the analysis
- User definable hybridization gridding patterns for maximum flexibility
- Provisions for use of anchor clones
Analysis and Output
- Highly efficient algorithm analyzes high density filters in seconds
- Accurately identifies clone addresses and quantifies spot intensities
- Multiple output formats, such as tab delimited clone/probe/hit-strength file or rearraying file for direct input for the Genetix Q-bot
- Database-capable versions available
Windows and Unix versions